产品简介 Product introduction
Mouldproof piece of updating and upgrading of products, agents more strong!
iHeir Antifungal Power Pak防霉除臭片是艾浩尔开发的高科技产品。已经在国内外申请多个项目的发明专利,iHeir Antifungal Power Pak从植物中提取的成分Allylisothiocyanate能够抑制霉菌和细菌的成长而且可以防止霉的繁殖,而且对小苍蝇等害虫有忌避效果。其防霉机理是常温升华将Allylisothiocyanate带到产品包装环境中,利用气体的流动平均分布于全部空间,从而杀死青霉、曲霉、球毛霉等霉菌,制造不利于霉菌生长的环境。在保护期内防霉效果非常明显。
The high-efficient and environment-friendly iHeir Anti-mold & mildew Power Pak (Antifungal Power Pak) is the high-tech product developed by iHeir, and it has been applied for the patents for multiple projects at home and abroad. Its component, Allylisothiocyanate, which is a type of mustard oil collected from horseradish (wasabi) and mustard, can not only prevent the growth of mold and bacteria and the reproduction of mold, but also has repellency effects on small flies and other pests. Its antifungal mechanism is to sublime Allylisothiocyanate into the packaging environment of the product at normal temperature, with the help of the gas flow evenly distributing in all space, in order to kill mold such as penicillium, aspergillus, and (ball) mucor, and create an environment that is not conducive to mold growth. The antifungal effect of the product is very obvious during the protection period.
效果及毒性 Effects and Toxicity
经过SGS/ITS/BV/TUV等多家检测部门实验及实际应用证明iHeir Antifungal Power Pak防霉除臭片可在12个月内持续发挥作用。有效地保护被防护物品在使用期内不发生任何的霉变。其毒性比食盐性还低、不含DMF(富马酸二甲酯)、符合欧盟REACH211项安全环保。
The experiments made by many test departments (such as SGS, ITS, BV, and TUV) and the practical use can prove that iHeir Anti-mold & mildew Power Pak (Antifungal Power Pak) can play the antifungal role for 12 months, and it can protect items from getting mildewed during the using period. Its toxicity is lower than salt. It has no dimethyl fumarate (DMF), and it acquires the European Union’s REACH certification, making it the high-efficient and environment-friendly product. Compared with any other mouldproof products, it not only has no stimulation to the skin , but also does less harm to the environment, making the first one to obtain the certification of green environmental protection.
使用范围 Using range
iHeir Antifungal Power Pak强效防霉片主要用于在鞋、箱包、手袋、皮具制品、服装、家具、家居用品、工艺品、体育用品、轻工业、食品等产品防霉,具有安全性高、价格低廉等优点。能抑制多种霉菌和酵母菌。广泛用于皮革鞋帽、纺织品、家居用品、体育用品、轻工业等各种需要防霉的产品。
iHeir Antifungal Power Pak is used for the mouldproof treatment of the shoes, bags, handbags, leather goods, clothing, furniture, household supplies, artware, light industry products, and foods, and it has the advantages of high security and cheap price. It can also inhibit a variety of fungi and yeasts, which is widely used in the products that need mouldproofing, such as leather shoes & hat, textiles, household supplies, sports equipment, and light industry products.
附:抑菌范围 Appendix:Excellent antibacterial effects on various microbes
細菌(革兰氏阳性) |
藻類 |
真菌 |
金黃色葡萄球菌 |
嗜綠藻屬 |
黑麴霉菌 |
乳酸菌 |
太湖念球藻屬 |
黃麴霉菌 |
枯草桿菌 |
棕色藻屬 |
土麴霉菌 |
綠色藻屬S |
疣麴霉菌 |
細菌(革蘭氏陰性) |
綠色藻屬P |
球毛瞉霉 |
霍亂沙門氏菌 |
青霉菌 |
傷寒沙門氏桿菌 |
酵母菌 |
毛癬菌屬 |
大腸桿菌 |
釀酒酵母菌 |
芽霉菌屬 |
結核桿菌 |
念珠菌 |
霉菌屬 |
綠膿桿菌 |
頭霉菌屬 |
產氣性桿菌 |
使用说明 Directions for use
2.戴橡胶手套将强效防霉除臭片从Power Pak专用包装盒内
圆孔处倒入Power Pak专用包装盒内,并向下划盖上盖子。
2. Put on the rubber gloves and pour the Antifungal Power Pak deodorant into the glass box for Power Pak from the round hole of the box for Power Pak. Then draw down to close the lid.
3.戴橡胶手套将强效防霉除臭片从Power Pak专用包装盒圆孔处内单片取出,放入产品包装塑料袋内或者纸箱内,并迅速封好外箱。
3. Wear rubber gloves to remove the strong mouldproof deodorizing tablets (Antifungal Power Pak deodorant) from the round hole of the box for Power Pak, put them into the plastic bags or the cartons of the product packaging, and seal the outer box (container) immediately.
4.当天没有使用完的将Power Pak倒回铝膜袋内,并用透明胶带封口保存
4. Pour the Power Pak, which is not used, back into the aluminum bag and seal it with transparent tape for preservation.
注意:本品具强刺激性,使用时作业场所请加强通风措施,操作时请配戴橡胶手套和戴口罩进行操作,请勿靠近眼睛鼻子, 以避免过度刺激;若不慎触及,请即刻以清水冲洗.
Note: This product has strong irritation, so ventilation measures should be strengthened in the workplace when using it. Please wear rubber gloves and mask to operate. Keep away from the eyes and nose to avoid over-stimulation. If it is touched by accident (accidentally), rinse with water immediately.
产品装入包装盒之同时放入iHeir Antifungal Power Pak防霉除臭片,包装盒应尽速装入外箱。
外箱破损或受潮将影响本剂之防霉效果,长途运输有淋雨顾虑时, Carton内应加塑胶袋防护。
当包装盒装入Carton封箱後72小时内, iHeir Antifungal Power Pak防霉除臭片即已将箱内霉菌破坏清除,此时Carton内呈无菌状态,在开箱前效果可维持12个月以上。
本防霉处理系利用Allylisothiocyanate挥发出之气体,藉由其强穿透力及强刺激性作为处理机制;如使用金属配件有受潮生锈的情况,应作好产品干燥处理或放Power Dryer防霉干燥剂。
产品包装封箱后,超过15天以上,若经开箱检验,此时由于Antifungal Power Pak防霉除臭片气体已随之逸去,打开不会留下任何气味,所以验毕必须重新更换新的Power Pak处理一次,以确保防霉效果。
在iHeir Antifungal Power Pak防霉除臭片置入包装盒后,其气体迅即挥发出来并均匀散布盒内,故置于盒内任何位置效果都是一样的。
请勿靠近眼睛鼻子, 以避免过度刺激;若不慎触及,请即刻以清水冲洗.
Attention (Pay Attention When Using)
Put the product into the package box. At the same time, put the iHeir Antifungal Power Pak, and the package box should be put into the outer box (container) as soon as possible.
Damage or dampness of the outer container will influence its antifungal effects. For the container rain during long-distance transportation, add the plastic bag inside the carton for protection.
After the package box is put in the carton, iHeir Antifungal Power Pak can kill the mold of the carton for 72 hours. After that the carton is aseptic, and this antifungal effect can last for 12 months or more before opening the box.
This antifungal series uses the gas released from Allylisothiocyanate, with the help of the strong penetration and strong irritation as the processing mechanism. If the hardware becomes rusty during use,it is very important to do drying treatment or put iHeir Antifungal Desiccant (Power-Dryer/ Biochemical desiccant).
After sealing for over 15 days,if you want to open the package to check, the gas from the Antifungal Power Pak can be gradually ceased without any smell,so it is important to use Power Pak again after checking,in order to ensure the antifungal effects.
After putting iHeir Antifungal Power Pak into the packaging box, its gas can be released and distributed inside the packaging box, so it has the same effects when putting in every position of the packaging box.
This product is a kind of natural extract which meets food grade safety standards. It is hygiene and cleanliness, without side effects on human body or negative effects on various materials. You can feel at ease to use.
This product has strong irritation,so when using this product, please keep ventilated in the workplaces,and wear rubber gloves during operation. When the bag is used, a small part of the bag is opened, and the bag can not be opened all the time. Open the caliber so that you can stretch out the hands to fetch the product. Fasten the unused bag with hands and lock the bag.
Keep away from eyes and nose to avoid excessive irritation. If someone accidentally touches it, rinse immediately with fresh water.
This Power Pak is kept for 1 year. Please store it in a dry, ventilated, and low temperature environment, and keep away from fires.
防霉性能测试 Mouldproof performance test

2、打孔状态 State of punching

测试方法 The test method
测试对象:皮革 The test object: leather
准备两个塑料罐子,将罐子开孔,孔径为7㎜,再倒入5厘米的水,将皮料放置于水平面上,不要直接接触到水,再将Power Pak放入其中一个罐子观察霉菌生长情况。
Prepare two plastic jars.Make the 7㎜ hole in every jar,and pour 5 centimers of water,Put the leather on the water level,and do not contact with water,After that,put Power Pak into one of the jars,then observe and record the growth of mold

硅胶干燥剂 Silica desiccant 防霉除臭片Power Pak
测试结果:在密闭的状态下,Power Pak具有很好的防霉效果
Result:Power Pak has excellent mould-proof effects in a closed condition.

未放防霉除臭片Power Pak已长霉菌 已放Power Pak未长霉菌
Have grow mold No mold growth
测试结果:在半密闭的状态下,放Power Pak的皮革未见霉菌生长
Result:There is no mold grow in the Power Pak test under semi-close conditions.